Experience inner peace and enjoy life on a deeper, more satisfying level:
1) Focus your attention on those things you can control. I can be a tall order when there is so much that is worrisome happening in the world around us. However, it is not productive to worry about things you can’t control.
I am reminded of the Serenity Prayer:
2) Spend time in nature. It has been proven that exposure to nature ignites physiological change that lowers stress, calms the mind, and clears the senses. Take a long walk in the park or spend a weekend camping. You’ll feel dramatically different compared to sitting in a building 24 hours every day. There’s something peaceful about spending time among the birds and the trees.
3) Be true to yourself. Few things are more disconcerting than living a life you weren’t meant to live. It can show itself with stress, discontent, anxiety, depression, and physical ailments. Live a life that’s authentic and aligns with your values.
It’s too easy to allow society dictate your choices. You don’t have to spend your life on a career that’s impressive to others. You don’t have to chase after a fancy house. Make your own decisions about what’s most important to you.
4) Eat nutritiously. You might not realize how bad you feel because you’re so used to it. Try eating the way you know you should for just a week. Note the change in how you feel.
Chances are, when go back to the junk food and you’ll see your mood and your overall sense of well-being lower. Everything has a vibration – including you, including your food. Junk food has a lower vibration than whole/fresh food. There’s a lot to be said about the old adage “you are what you eat!” It is true…your body’s energetic vibration will align with the vibration of the food you eat. The higher vibration, the better you feel!
5) Exercise regularly. Have you ever noticed how great you feel as you’re walking out of the gym? Exercise feels good, and you feel good about yourself for doing it. Find some sort of exercise that you enjoy and make it a point to get out there and do it at least 3-4 times a week.
6) Do something nice for someone else. This is a great way to take your focus off of yourself. You become more aware that others are struggling, too. When you are kind, you receive kindness in return. You’ll also feel a sense of pride and satisfaction when you help someone else.
7) Set honest about your needs. Be open and forward with your needs and desires. You may be wishing that your kids would unload the dishwasher or your spouse would put the cap on the toothpaste. Meanwhile, that is not even on their radar. Be sure that you are communicating your needs with the people around you. You’re not only more likely to get what you want, but you’ll also feel more in control of your life. Being passive results in having less control, which runs counter to inner peace. Be assertive without being aggressive.
8) Meditate. Meditation is calming. It also helps to see life and its challenges more accurately. Things are often better than they seem. Meditation can prevent your mind from making a situation seem worse than it really is. Find it difficult to meditate? See our tips here – or scroll YouTube for a guided meditation that interests you. Spending as little as 5 minutes focusing on your breathing or switching your thoughts to something peaceful can be enough!
9) Avoid trying to change others. Believe it or not, this is a very common mistake many of my clients make. The fact is, you CANNOT change anyone! Period. It’s hard enough to change yourself...don't waste your precious energy on trying to change someone else!
It’s important to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Eat properly, exercise, and be true to yourself. Be assertive and take control of your life. All the accomplishments in the world can’t replace inner peace. Avoid chasing after those things that society has determined to be important. Decide for yourself and live the life you were meant to live.
As my wise son says, “You do you, Mom!” So, to all you amazing folks out there…YOU DO YOU! Being true to yourself is the greatest way to find inner peace, but we often need steps to get there. Hope you found this helpful! New Moon Self-Development Center coaching is always here if you need any help along the way. :)